Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sunny Bolong Farms

We have just had two lovely days at Bolong Farms. Bolong Farms are not far from Wagga and hold open days with additional market stall at various times during the year. This weekend they had their bulb orders all ready to be picked up and we went along to provide some other local products :)

These pinwheel are very sweet and unfortunately don't twirl in the wind as there was plenty of it!

We had a greater variety of cards at this market, not being child focussed. The birthday bakery set is so cute.

This clothes horse is a great way to show off the cards while keeping them from blowing away.

Absolute joy for stall holders - a café! You can see how sunny it was and why Liz and Amy came home a little pink. Curse fair skin and a harsh climate!

Next weekend will see us at home creating instead of peddling our wares. We will be at Overdale Markets at Roseleigh Manor on Sunday the 27th of March.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Baby Bazaar

We had our first market experience today! We were at the PCYC for the BaBs Baby Bazaar and enjoyed showing everyone our cards. The PCYC isn't the prettiest building but we tried to make our table look lovely..... This is Amy and Liz, conscious of the camera and chatting.

As it was a Baby Bazaar, we brought mainly baby/children related cards.

Megan, Amy and Liz have spent hours making cards over the last few weeks. Luckily it is relaxing, fun and energising - not a chore!

Over the next few days we'll be adding more photos of individual cards. We'll start with this lovely owl card that Megan made.

So cute!